Turning a Dead XP PC into a Virtual Machine

Youcanconverta.GHOfiletoa.VHDfileusingghost32.exe,ghost64.exeortheLinuxversionofghost.exe.Toconvert ...,Youcanconverta“.GHO”filetoa“.VHD”fileusingghost32.exe,ghost64.exeortheLinuxversionofghost.exe.,OpenDiskManagement.Action>CreateVHD;Initialized...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Deployment and Imaging Group

You can convert a .GHO file to a .VHD file using ghost32.exe, ghost64.exe or the Linux version of ghost.exe. To convert ...

ghost to vhd or iso - Virtualization

You can convert a “.GHO” file to a “.VHD” file using ghost32.exe, ghost64.exe or the Linux version of ghost.exe.


Open Disk Management. Action > Create VHD; Initialize disk; (Ghost32.exe) : Local -> Disk -> From Image; (Ghost32.exe) Select GHO file; (Ghost32.exe) Choose ...

Direct Convert .GHO to .VHD

1) Look at winimage 2) boot your vpc image with a new hard drive (empty) the gho on a cd, and a ghostboot floppy -- then restore the gho to the vhd.

How to convert GHO to VHD file

How to convert GHO to VHD file · Prepare an empty VHD file · Install VHDMount utility · Mount empty VHD file as local drive · Copy GHO to VHD ...

Convert Ghost image to HyperV VHD?

Think you will need to find a copy of ghost32 for this, attach a vhd to your system and then run ghost32 to copy the disk image to the mounted ...

Convert .gho (Ghost) image to .vhd (Virtual Hard Disk)

You can convert a “.GHO” file to a “.VHD” file using ghost32.exe, ghost64.exe or the Linux version of ghost.exe.

can someone help me convert a Ghost file to a vhd

Looking for to someone to convert a ghost file to any vmware or virtual box file type for me to boot and look at my old pc from when I was growing up.

Converting a Norton Ghost image (.GHO) to a .VHD,

LINKS AT THE END OF THE DESCRIPTION ----- Okay guys, today I'll show you I managed to convert a 10 years old GHO file into a virtual disk (.


Youcanconverta.GHOfiletoa.VHDfileusingghost32.exe,ghost64.exeortheLinuxversionofghost.exe.Toconvert ...,Youcanconverta“.GHO”filetoa“.VHD”fileusingghost32.exe,ghost64.exeortheLinuxversionofghost.exe.,OpenDiskManagement.Action>CreateVHD;Initializedisk;(Ghost32.exe):Local->Disk->FromImage;(Ghost32.exe)SelectGHOfile;(Ghost32.exe)Choose ...,1)Lookatwinimage2)bootyourvpcimagewithanewharddri...